Lauren Gardner

Year: 2024

Hometown: Asheville, NC

Major: COS

Lauren is a senior from Asheville, North Carolina. She is 1/4 of Spelly 69 along with Sam Lee, Theresa Lim, and Zhaoran Chen. She is a COS A.B. major with an interest in Visual Arts. She has no prior dance experience but trained in Taekwondo for 10 years (only competing her last 3 years cryyyyyy). She also trained for a few years in acrobatics, aerial arts, and cheerleading, and she is a part of Princeton Aerial Arts Club and Highsteppers on campus. When she is not attending rehearsals or crying over coding assignments she can be found painting and enjoying the nature in prospect garden.

Fun fact: ...I have played over 2,600 hours of Terraria... :'0